History of Grapevine Public Library, 1991-2001

Grapevine’s population grew to 31,836 in 1991. Library material holdings grew to 92,797 and annual circulation to 357,855. In February, Mrs. Marie Canning started part-time in Circulation. She eventually became full-time Acquisitions Assistant. In April, Grapevine Public Library’s automation system was upgraded from OCR labels and wands to bar code labels and laser guns. The re-labeling of over sixty thousand library materials and preparation of 30,000 borrower cards was accomplished in sixteen weeks with the help of eighty valued volunteers without closing the library. The Friends of the Library donated a Xerox plain-paper fax/copier, a Magazine Article Summaries (MAS) CD-ROM index to replace InfoTrac, and a plain-paper Minolta RP 605Z microfilm reader/printer from the proceeds of the annual Christmas ornament sale. Skaggs Alpha Beta cash register receipts worth two-hundred seventy-three thousand dollars collected by the public enabled the purchase of a MacIntosh computer and software. Due to community support and...

“This Indenture Made . . .”: The Importance of Local Land Records in Genealogical Research

We come and go, but the land is always here. And the people who love it and understand it are the people who own it–for a little while. Willa Cather, O Pioneers! There are many types of land transactions, but in today’s blog we’ll explore the particular genealogical value of local land records and how you can use them to further your research. These actions between parties, also known as conveyances, take place mostly under the authority of the county government. From the moment European settlers arrived on the Atlantic coast, obtaining cheap land on which to settle and farm was a priority. The vast majority of them had never owned land in their countries of origin because only the wealthy could afford to buy it, often in large tracts. The opportunity to possess and work one’s own parcel of land in the New World was enticing to those who...

“And Your Petitioners Shall Ever Pray”: Federal Legislative Petitions in Genealogical Research

United States House and Senate journals, and other legislative works contain a wealth of genealogical information, most of which came in the form of petitions. Petitions reveal a great deal about ancestors and what mattered to them. They also provide context on neighbors and neighborhoods. Some resulted directly in the passage of requested legislation or were referred to committee along with additional petitions related to a broad issue. All of them indicate a striking awareness of public debate and the political process, tell us a lot about what our ancestors considered to be important. Value of Federal Legislative Petitions Petitions could come from an individual, a group, or a business. They frequently contain supplementary support documents such as maps, wills, naturalizations, resolutions, deeds, affidavits, judgements, and other items. Petitions can contain one signature, a hundred, or even thousands. If an ancestor signed any kind of petition, you probably have his...

MyHeritage Library Edition Now Available at Grapevine Library!

At Grapevine Library we’re excited to offer a new genealogy database – MyHeritage Library Edition™ (MyHeritage LE)! It’s an excellent genealogical research tool. In today’s blog we’ll take a look at some of its great content. MyHeritage LE is one of the largest, most internationally diverse genealogy databases of its kind in the world. It includes billions of historical documents from more than forty-eight countries, millions of historical photos, public records, indexes and additional resources. Available in forty-two languages, MyHeritage LE is the industry’s most multilingual family history research database. What Does MyHeritage LE Have? MyHeritage LE contains a wide variety of content, and more than 100 million records are added every month. This includes • Over 18.5 billion historical records world-wide • US federal census records from 1790-1950 with images • UK census records from 1841-1901 with images • Over five 5 billion exclusive family tree profiles from MyHeritage...

A “Shirt factory at Grapevine”: How the WPA Provided Work for Grapevine Women during the Great Depression

Continuing our focus on how Grapevine dealt with the Great Depression, today we look at the Grapevine sewing room and how it developed. Sewing room projects were under the Works Progress Administration (later Work Projects Administration) (WPA), established on November 1, 1935 to provide work to unskilled women and to get them ready for private work, as well as to supply goods to a non-competitive market without purchasing power. Sewing rooms became the backbone of the women’s division of the WPA. On February 12, 1935, Mayor B. R. Wall “Signed [a] contract with Government for Shirt factory at Grapevine.” Later known as the Grapevine Sewing Room, it was located at 413 S. Main in the north half of the old City Hall, and it served as a means of employment for many Grapevine-area women during its existence. The room was prepared for use by local residents E. L. Jordan, who...

The New Deal Comes to Grapevine: History of the School the WPA Built

In a past blog we looked at back-to-work initiatives generated during the Great Depression by President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal. Most of the funding of Grapevine’s New Deal projects became available through the Works Progress Administration (WPA). These included a canning factory, a sewing room, a new grammar school building, a renovated high school, a new homemaking education building, and the Soil Conservation Service (SCS) Office. The Public Works Administration (PWA) provided funds for a water project. The canning factory story is covered in the August 2024 edition of the Grapevine Historical Society newsletter On The Vine (”Yes, We Canned!”), so be sure to check it out. Today’s blog will discuss the history of the Grapevine school the WPA helped to build. Grapevine had just incorporated in 1907. In 1908 the town first voted a bond issue of $12,000 and a fifteen-cent maintenance tax for a two-story red brick...

Revolutionary War Resource Gems You May Not Know About!

Most researchers are well-versed in the use of pension applications, bounty land warrant applications, and compiled service records in documenting Revolutionary War military service. These are the most commonly-sought resources pertaining to this conflict, but some lesser-known records are available that you may not be aware of. Records are also available that pertain to Americans who participated in numerous non-military ways. In this blog we’ll look at some of these resources; be sure to check them out later! Many of the following digital records are in the National Archives catalog and on the free website FamilySearch, both accessible from anywhere. If you don’t already have a free username and password for FamilySearch, you’ll need to create them to view images. War Department Collection of Revolutionary War Records (Record Group (RG) 93) The National Archives (NARA) created an artificial collection of Revolutionary War documents through purchase or copying from various sources,...

Enemy Alien Records of World War I

When the Senate granted President Woodrow Wilson’s request for a declaration of war on April 6, 1917, Wilson requested both citizens and non-naturalized immigrants to remain neutral in thought, word, and deed, and to uphold all laws and support all measures adopted for the safety and security of the US. However, all natives, citizens, denizens, or subjects of Germany and its allies Austria-Hungary, the Ottoman Empire, and Bulgaria (including American-born women who married German men) were considered alien enemies and were required to demonstrate their loyalty in ways beyond what was required of US citizens and non-enemy aliens. An executive order was issued by President Wilson in November 1917 requiring the registration of German-born men ages fourteen and older who had not been naturalized. Registration occurred at the nearest US District Court. German-born women were required to register starting in April 1918. Wilson’s declaration of war included twelve regulations that...

Buried Treasure in Underused, Little-known, and Untapped Civil War Resources!

In today’s blog we’re going to explore some underused, little-known, and untapped Civil War resources you can use to significantly enrich your family history. Most researchers are familiar with military pensions and service records, but the war generated many more records that you may not be aware of, and not all of them were official government records. Supplement to the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies This set of 100 volumes, edited by Janet B. Hewitt, supplements the Official Record of the Union and Confederate Armies (Wilmington, NC: Broadfoot Publishing Co., 1994-2001). The Supplement is divided into four parts (Reports, Records of Events, Correspondence, and Secret Service) and includes official accounts of battles, skirmishes, scouting expeditions, signal maneuvers, narratives of troop movements, correspondence, and intelligence files (Fig. 1). Also included are a few courts-martial, courts of inquiry, and court proceedings. Some of the material is specifically referred to...

“A law which will give some measure of protection”: Genealogy and The Social Security Act of 1935

People throughout all of human history have faced uncertainties brought on by unemployment, illness, disability, death, and old age. These inevitable facets of life are said to be threats to one’s economic security. Family members and relatives have always felt some degree of responsibility to one another, and to the extent that the family had resources to draw upon, this was often a source of economic security, especially for the aged or infirm. Genealogists can benefit by knowing this history and then taking advantage of surviving records of “social insurance” generated by agencies outside of home and family. During the Great Depression, poverty among the elderly grew dramatically. The best estimates are that in 1934 over half of the elderly in America lacked sufficient income to be self-supporting. Despite this, state welfare pensions for the elderly were practically non-existent before 1930. A spurt of pension legislation was passed in the...

Law and Order (and A Little Disorder) in Early Grapevine

The first law enforcement In Texas, Constable Thomas Alley, was sworn in by Judge John Tumlinson on March 5, 1823. A second constable joined Alley a short time afterward. Three months later, Alley and his colleague stayed to protect the local colonies while ten other men (including Tumlinson) were sent out to protect the range and guard the frontier. These men later formed the Texas Rangers. The Constables and Rangers joined forces and became an active group of roughly two hundred men. When the original Texas constitution was adopted, the constable was the only law enforcement defined by the document. Sam Houston formally separated the two groups. The constable would be elected by the people in each local area, known as precincts. The Texas Rangers became officers of the Republic of Texas. Both groups would be commissioned and report directly to the governor. Today that still holds true. When Tarrant...